Bethany Church, Quincy, MA

Masonry structures usually perform well, from a waterproofing standpoint, for the first 20 to 50 years. Unfortunately, if unmaintained, weaknesses in the design and construction are exacerbated because the masonry deteriorates due to age, wind forces, thermal movement, water infiltration, and the freeze/thaw process.

 We found many examples of the existing masonry construction that had worked well, originally, but were causing water, leakage, and stone deterioration years later. After an investigation of the affected areas, we determined that existing lead flashing required replacement, areas of stone required rebuilding, and pointing of the entire exterior was required. We also designed a new five story elevator to be located within the tower, which required openings through the existing stone walls that were 4 foot thick.


Quincy Historical Society, Quincy, MA


Lincoln School, Brookline, MA